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pipeline trenching

Pipeline Trenching Done Right

Need Marsh Trenching?

There are lots of reasons you might need pipeline trenching services. Here at Stan’s, we often work with utilities companies laying pipeline or fiber optic cable. These pipes and cables have to be buried and covered via a highly-coordinated, well-planned operation by experienced professionals.

If you need a pipeline trenching contractor, make sure you know how it’s done right. Anybody with an excavator can dig a trench–pipeline trenching done right requires skill and experience.

Pipeline Trenching Design

To minimize the disturbance, our marsh excavators create a trench precisely the width and depth necessary for the pipeline. The equipment used to dig the trench varies depending on both the type of soil and trench required. We consider how wide the trench needs to be, how much dirt needs to be moved, and how stable the trench wall needs to be.

Site Preparation

To install a pipeline trench the right way, with as little disruption for landowners and wildlife as possible, we survey and stake the right-of-way. The right-of-way is the land you need to safely protect the land around the pipeline from future development to operate the pipeline. A pipeline usually needs around 20 to 30 meters around it to be safely installed. However, the permanent ROW typically only needs to be 8 to 10 meters wide in general or 30 to 50 meters on river crossings.

The topsoil is removed and set aside for replacement during reclamation. Once excavated, the trench material is separated into piles of topsoil from the area on the top and sides of the trench, and the subsoil from the material from the inside of the trench. This separation makes sure that vegetation can grow on the ROW after the trench has been completed.

Dewatering in Marshes

Dewatering is necessary to find a smooth and stable foundation where the pipeline can be placed. Additionally, dewatering makes sure that material doesn’t run off from the under the pipe, causing the pipeline to bend under its own weight.

To keep the pipeline dry during the installation process, contractors must take several precautions. First, they fill the trench bottom with crushed stones to carry the water to interceptor sumps, or filtration basins that manage water runoff, where it can then be pumped. At this point, some contractors may also add a geotextile, or a fabric that can filter and drain water, if there is sand in the water environment.

Next, they add well points, or wells that are below the trench bottom, to drain water that can later be pumped. Additionally, if the water contains silt, specialized pumps or sumps. To dispose of the removed water, the contractor receives a permit from the authorities and performs an analysis of the water to ensure it doesn’t harm the area where it is disposed.

Wherever and for whatever purpose you need a pipeline trench, Stan’s Airboat & Marsh Excavator Service can help. In fact, a lot of customers have already used us for their pipeline trenching needs in the marsh. With over a decade of experience in marsh excavation, Stan’s can handle your project, large or small.

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