Bookmark this page and check back often for articles about marsh trenching, airboat transportation, excavation, swamp clearing, pipeline reclamation, and other services related to Stan’s Airboat and Marsh Excavation Service. We also publish anything of interest relating to the Louisiana bayou where we work and play. Get in touch with us today if you have an idea for an article–we’d love to hear from you.

Equipment Selection Strategies for Projects with Variable Marsh Depths and Conditions
Disaster strikes: Your excavator is sinking in unexpected soft spots. The project deadline looms. Your crew stands idle while you frantically search for solutions. If you've managed marsh projects, you…
5 Ways to Minimize Ecological Impact During Wetland Excavation
The activities that maintain or restore our wetlands can undermine the very ecosystems they seek to protect. The challenge is clear: how do you balance the need for progress with…
7 Essential Steps in Post-Hurricane Recovery
After Beryl, post-hurricane recovery has left many in Texas facing devastating damage and overwhelming challenges. The storm's ferocity has ripped apart homes, flooded streets, and turned lives upside down. For…
5 Critical Considerations When Choosing a Marsh Excavation Contractor
When facing a marsh excavation project, the choice of contractor can make or break your success. It's not just about digging and moving dirt; it's about finding a partner who…
How Long Does it Take to Recover After a Hurricane?
The howling winds, the torrential rains, and the surging waters - the immediate aftermath of a hurricane is a scene of chaos and devastation. But as the storm clouds recede…
Surviving the Storm: A Roadmap for Hurricane Recovery
When a hurricane strikes, it's not just the howling winds and torrential rains that leave a mark. The aftermath is a silent storm, a creeping tide of consequences that can…
Navigating the Terrain: Choosing the Right Excavator
Choosing the right excavator isn't merely a matter of convenience; it's the linchpin that holds the whole endeavor together. The excavator is your trusted ally, your primary tool, the muscle…
How Marsh Dredging Helps the Louisiana Coast
Louisiana’s wetlands serve as a natural buffer against storms and flooding, protecting the state’s coastline and communities. However, over the years, they’ve been disappearing at an alarming rate due to…
Why is ROW Clearing so Important for Safety?
Does your business depend on utilities or pipelines to operate? If so, it's vital to understand the importance of ROW (right of way) clearing. ROW clearing is so much more…
The Differences Between Buying a Marsh Excavator and Hiring a Service Company
When it comes to excavating in marshy areas, there are two main options: buying or renting a marsh excavator or hiring a service company to do the work for you…
Why Clearing Right of Way is Essential for Safe Gas Pipelines
When you think about the safety of natural gas pipelines, what comes to mind? If you're like most people, you probably think about things like ensuring that the pipeline is…
Preparing Your Construction Equipment for Hurricane Season
Rumor has it that hurricane season may start early this year. This has everyone on edge, regardless of whether they're in the construction industry or not. There are many tasks…
What to Look for in a Heavy Equipment Service Company
Picking out a heavy equipment service company isn't always easy. With technology advances in the industry and a priority shift to efficiency, reliability, and budget control, many construction companies are…
How Airboats can Help With Disaster Recovery
In the aftermath of Hurricane Ida, an exuberant amount of people have been left without homes or a means to return to them. The impacts have been devastating to the…
What to Look for When Hiring for Disaster Cleanup
Disaster cleanup can be wildly unpredictable. After a hurricane strikes, downed utility lines and water contaminants can pose a huge risk to public safety. In these cases, you should always…
CDC Guidance to Preventing Mosquito Bites This Summer
After such a traumatic year last year, it’s safe to say that many people are now more conscious of their health. That being said, with summer coming up, it’s important…
What Every Foreman Should Know Before Hiring an Excavator Company
Excavators are most commonly used for earthmoving and digging projects. When used at their full capacity, they can greatly increase the efficiency of a project by speeding up the process. …
How to Choose Between a Backhoe and a Mini Excavator
If your next project requires clearing land or moving substantial amounts of debris, you’re going to need special equipment. Typically, your two options are backhoes and mini excavators. While they…
How Pipeline Companies Care for The Environment
One of the main arguments against pipeline companies is that they “destroy the environment”. But this isn’t true. While yes, building a pipeline does require disturbing the land initially, this…
How Marsh Excavators can Assist with Hurricane Cleanup
With hurricane season in full swing, it’s important to start preparing now for the potential danger that could arise within the next few months. Disaster recovery is no small task,…
Flooding Dangers to Look Out for This Season
In Louisiana, we’re no strangers to flooding dangers. We’re used to throwing hurricane parties and stocking up on food and sandbags when the weather gets bad. But did you know…
The Differences Between Dams, Levees, and Dikes
Dams, levees, and dikes all play a critical role in flood prevention. While each of these structures offers similar functions, they are not the same and these terms should not…
Can Bugs Cause Coastal Erosion?
The Louisiana coast is in grave danger as it faces threats of rising seas, oil spills, hurricanes, and now insects. In 2016, scientists discovered a pest known as a Scale…
How Marsh Excavators Work
When working in swamps and other wet marshlands, you need equipment that will float in these delicate environments. Thankfully, marsh excavators are built to do just that. Continue reading as…
Fixing Water Drainage Problems on Your Property
As a property owner, it is critical that you start fixing water drainage problems on your land as soon as you notice them. Improper drainage can result in cracks, floods,…
How to Prevent Damage When Working With Pipelines
Every year in the United States, nearly half a million excavation projects damage underground frameworks like cable and electric lines and pipelines. In order to decrease this number, it’s important…
Choosing an Excavation Contractor
The first step towards many construction and pipeline projects is choosing the right excavation contractor. To pick the right one, you need a company with the proper expertise in the…
4 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Excavator Operator
Before laying pipe, fiber optic cables, or digging up anything underground, you will need to excavate. Attempting to do this yourself can be very dangerous and even illegal. Hiring a…
3 Responsibilities That Your Excavation Contractor is Expected to Manage
When hiring an excavation contractor, it’s important to know what to expect out of them. Understanding this will help you determine whether or not you hired a trustworthy professional. In…
What Exactly Does an Excavation Contractor Do?
You should always call a professional excavation contractor before doing any digging on your own--this includes any trenches for gardens or landscaping pits. Before you get to thinking that this…
3 Differences Between Marsh Excavation and Dry Land Excavation Equipment
When it comes to excavation, it’s important to note that different land types will call for different equipment. If you’re looking to excavate dry land, a standard excavator will do…
How to Bury Fiber Optic Cables
There are two standard types of outdoor fiber optic cable installations: underground cable installation and pole line aerial installation. Today, we’re going to dive into the basics of the first…
The 4 Phases of Wetland Restoration
Typically, wetland remediation projects require ample restoration. At Stan’s, we’re no strangers to environmental protection, and we take careful precautions to make sure that the wetlands we work in stay…
What to do if the Water is too Deep to Excavate in
Here in the South, we’re no strangers to deep water and unstable ground. If this is unfamiliar territory for you, excavating in water that appears to be too deep can…
5 Excavation Safety Tips
Marsh excavation is no simple task, and if not properly executed, serious damage to both workers and the environment can occur. At Stan’s, we use the following five excavator safety…
Coastal Erosion Timeline
Louisiana coastal erosion is occurring at an alarming rate of one football field per hour, costing roughly $500 million annually in land and property loss. Over just the last 200…
Staying Safe During Excavation and Trenching
Trenching and excavation are two of the most dangerous operations in the construction industry. Cave-ins are the biggest liability, and are the most likely excavation-related accidents to result in worker…
The Dangers of Incorrect Fiber Optic Cable Installation
When hiring a company to install fiber optic cables, it’s critical that you do your research on their reputation. Installing these cables is no amateur job and it can result…
Hurricane Cleanup Safety Checklist
There’s a lot to take care of after a hurricane, and we’re no strangers to this in Louisiana. At Stan’s, we understand just how overwhelming the cleanup process can be…
Hurricane Debris Cleanup in the Marsh
While Hurricane Barry was not as powerful as anticipated, many areas in Southern Louisiana were deeply affected. Being that the coastline is a hurricane magnet, Louisiana marshlands typically require extensive…
Excavating in Delicate Ecosystems
In order to preserve the environment, special precautions need to be taken when excavating in delicate ecosystems. When using special amphibious equipment like marsh excavators to perform such a task,…
Can we Stop the Louisiana Coast from Eroding?
With the Louisiana coast rapidly disappearing at a rate of 20 square miles per year, it begs the question: Is stopping the coast from eroding possible? With the funds Louisiana…
What is Pipeline Reclamation?
Pipeline reclamation is a very important task in the oil and gas industry that involves clearing away dangerous overgrowth from the pipeline. This can be done using chainsaws and excavators,…
The Purpose of an Archaeological Survey
At Stan’s Airboat, the majority of our work occurs in marshland. We take special precautions in order to avoid damaging any historical artifacts or precious parts of the unique cajun…
What is Non-Hazardous Waste?
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, defines hazardous waste as any waste that has the potential to be harmful to humans or the environment. It can have a variety…
Safely Dredging Next to Utilities
When dredging near utilities, the proper precautions must be taken to avoid deadly and costly mistakes. A plan must be implemented to work around them, and this is why such…
What to do When Your Right-of-Way is Blocked
Here in the south, it’s very easy for wet areas around a pipeline to become overgrown with heavy brush or trees. In some situations, the pipeline can no longer be…
Preventing Mosquito Bites this Season
With mosquito season approaching, many people in the South are dreading the coming months. These pesky bugs carry diseases like West Nile virus, Zika, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis--all of which…
Coastal Erosion Prevention Checklist
Did you know that coastal erosion does more than just affect drill sites and people living near the coast? It also affects people all over the United States. The coast…
2019 Hurricane Season Predictions
It’s pretty early to know exactly what’s going to happen for the 2019 hurricane season, but there are early models and climate predictions that can help determine what we can…
Wetland Restoration Explained
There's a lot that goes into wetland restoration. From building up levees to digging canals, there are several methods used to reduce the amount of damage that the oil and…
5 Uses for Airboat Transportation
When most people think about airboats, they envision a fun activity for tourists exploring the wetlands. While they are a great source of fun, these boats have several other practical…
The Future of Right-of-Way Maintenance in 2019
The U.S. drilling rig count is up again from last year. Just last week, Baker Hughes announced that there are 1,076 active rigs in the United States, which is 136…
2019 Plans for Coastal Restoration
The Louisiana coast has been deteriorating at an alarming rate for quite some time now, with an estimated loss of 20 square miles of coastal land per year. Hopefully, with…
The Importance of Mosquito Control
Mosquitoes can breed anywhere there is water. With countless marshes and bayous in Louisiana, these insects can definitely become problematic. This is where effective mosquito control services come into play…
Mosquito Control in the Louisiana Wetlands
Louisiana is home to huge amount of bayous and marsh, which are a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Effective mosquito control in the wetlands can be the difference between a lot…
Underground Fiber Optic Cable Installation Done Right
We talk a lot about trenching in the Louisiana marsh to lay pipelines for oil and gas companies. But did you know that Stan's Airboat & Marsh Excavator Service can…
Pipeliners Help Propel a Growing Industry at 2018 Conferences
Great news for Louisiana oil and gas workers (and those of us who partner with them to lay pipes in the marsh or perform pipeline clearing and reclamation in the…
Pipeline Companies Get Better Right-of-Way Maintenance This Year
The US drilling rig count is on the rise again. At the end of January, Baker Hughes announced there were 947 active rigs. Compare that to 228 units from just…
Mine and Pit Reclamation and Dewatering
What happens after a mine is closed? A mine’s window of usefulness may last a few years or a few decades. However, once the mineral resources are exhausted or operations…
Helping Pipeline Maintenance Companies Keep the Right-of-Way Free and Clear
Before you go to sleep tonight, Americans will have consumed over 700 million gallons of petroleum products today alone. That means pipelines are not going away anytime soon. Today’s natural…
Non-Hazardous Waste Removal, Debris Clearing and Remediation
Here in Louisiana, Stan's Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service is best known for pipeline reclamation, marsh excavation, and trenching. However, new customers (and even some existing clients) aren’t aware that…
Airboat Transportation for Work Crews in the Louisiana Wetlands
Your crew is only as good as the equipment that gets them to the job site. And when your work is done deep in the wetlands, you need airboat transportation…
How Stan’s Airboats and Buggies Help Preserve Native American History
It’s not often someone gets to participate in the preservation of Gulf Coast Native American history. But Stan’s is proud to play a role in helping some of our clients…
Stan’s Heads to Houston for CLEAN GULF Conference & Exhibition
In the wake of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the time is better than ever for people in the spill prevention, disaster preparedness, and hurricane response communities to come together to…
Hurricane Cleanup and Recovery: How Stan’s Can Help
In May, experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted that the 2017 hurricane season (which started in June and ends in November), would be one for the record…
Right of Way Clearing Done Right
Stan's Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service is the first call folks in the oil and gas, water and sewer, power transmission, and fiber optic industries make when they need to…
Stan’s Celebrates 10 Years Under Todd Family Ownership
Lake Charles native Stanley Caldarera started what became Stan's Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service back in 1994. Although our business is based in the small town of Iowa, Louisiana, our…
5 Coastal Reclamation Projects Protecting Louisiana Pipelines
Thousands of miles of pipeline canals that once cut through the wetlands of Louisiana now (when viewed from above) look like straight, green lines…
Land Reclamation, Wetlands Restoration, and Wetlands Creation
"God created the earth, but the Dutch made Holland.” That old Dutch saying describes a nation where 65 percent of the land would be under water at high tide without…
Oil and Gas Pipeline Maintenance in the Marsh
Pipeline maintenance is one of the most important jobs of a pipeline operator. Unless something changed overnight (and in today’s political climate, it may have!), pipeline operators still have to…
Using a Gator Foot for Land Surveying In the Louisiana Marsh
Coastal Louisiana marshes include more than 956,000 acres of fresh marsh and nearly 730,000 acres of saltwater marsh, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Stan's Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service…
Custom Excavators Power Pipeline Maintenance in the Wetlands
Stan's Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service has become the go-to wetlands maintenance service for oil and utilities companies. Sure, they take dryworks jobs, but wetlands excavation, land clearing, and pipeline…
Land Clearing Basics
Land Clearing Basics Land clearing is the removal of trees and other vegetation from a site to prepare another for development. It also includes grubbing, which is the excavation of…
Wetland Remediation Services: Ask the Experts
Wetland remediation services call for customized amphibious marsh buggies like the ones we use here at Stan's Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service. Stan's has amphibious marsh buggies built and…
When Disaster Strikes: Stan’s Is Ready
We here at Stan's Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service often get called on to clean up after floods. This could mean a lot of things. For example, it might mean…
Introducing the Stan’s Fleet of Bobcat Excavators and Marsh Buggy Excavators
If you need work done in hard-to-access wetlands and unstable terrains where a human can’t easily walk, the Stan's Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service fleet of hard-working buggies can get…
Pipeline Reclamation Checklist
Reclamation is the last-but-not-least crucial phase of most oil- and gas-related pipeline projects. When negotiating the development of a pipeline, it’s important to discuss an easement, or contract, for reclamation…
Beaver Dam Removal: Ecological Remediation & Wildlife Hazard Mitigation
Stan's Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service specializes in pipeline right-of-way reclamation and maintenance, oil spill cleanup in wetlands and low-lying areas, debris removal; and disaster search, rescue, and recovery. But…
Stan’s Airboats Keep Airport Safe from Migrating Blackbirds
Airboats for Wildlife Hazard Management Every November and December, Augusta Regional Airport in Richmond County, Georgia looks like Alfred Hitchcock’s "The Birds.” That’s why the Augusta Utilities Department relies on…
U.S. Coast Guard Relies on Stan’s for Disaster Cleanup
Stan's Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service has been awarded a U.S. Coast Guard contract to perform nationwide disaster emergency response and rescue efforts. "We are very excited and looking forward…
Why Small Marsh Excavators Might Be a Better Choice
With Excavators, Sometimes Smaller is Better Although most folks would have you believe that "bigger is always better,” when it comes to excavating jobs, small marsh excavators are the way to…
The Atchafalaya Basin: Ecology and Industry
Discover Louisiana's Atchafalaya Basin Located in south-central Louisiana, the Atchafalaya Basin is bordered by the Mississippi River and Tributaries (MR&T) system levees, which constantly changes the Basin’s landscape. The Basin…
Expert Tree Grubbing Services
Tree Grubbing Experts One of the biggest parts of a construction job is getting the area clear for building. Whether the land is going to be used for a structure,…
Marsh Excavators: Cool Videos
Excavation tools? That's something we're passionate about here at Stan's Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service. The excavators we use are sophisticated, intelligent, and, let’s face it, pretty cool. If you’re…
Pipeline Trenching Done Right
Need Marsh Trenching? There are lots of reasons you might need pipeline trenching services. Here at Stan’s, we often work with utilities companies laying pipeline or fiber optic cable. These…
Tree Grinding and Stump Removal
What are Stump Grinding and Tree Grubbing? Tree grinding and grubbing are often the first big steps when clearing a construction site. At its most basic, stump grinding is the…
10 Facts About the Louisiana Bayou
Mysterious and vibrant, the Louisiana bayou displays an abundance of wildlife. Here at Stan's Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service, we're proud to say we know our way around the bayou…
Mosquito Control in the Louisiana Wetlands
Anything that holds water can become a breeding place for mosquitoes. With the huge amount of bayous and marsh, mosquito control in Louisiana is a highly necessary task. Why control…
What Can a Gator Foot Do For You?
Swamp buggy or amphibious tractor? No matter how you classify it, gator foot vehicles from Stan’s Airboat and Marsh Excavator Service can handle the toughest terrain South Louisiana's bayous and…
Hydraulic and Mechanical Dredges
In the business of wetlands excavation and dredging, there are two main types of dredges: mechanical and hydraulic. Both of these dredges serve a purpose, but the hydraulic dredge, as…